Glycol Separation Filtration

Glycol Separation Filtration
KD International offers a complete product portfolio for optimizing your Glycol Separation and Filtration. Before “Lean” glycol can be send back offshore to the wellhead it must be regenerated in a multi-stage purification process. While dissolved components are removed, and fine solids must be filtered out as the first step.

Glycol contaminated with solids can cause serious problems, these contaminations must be removed.
Typical solids to be removed:
• Carbonate Scale CaCO3, MgCO3
• Corrosion FeCO3, FeS, Fe3O4
• Very small particle size 1-10 µm
• Total solids ~ 100-200 ppm

KD International offers a complete product portfolio for optimizing your production with solids free glycol system. KD’s filtration services provide the optimum combination of filtration equipment and consumables to maximize your fluid cleanness. KD International delivers a complete coalescing, filtration and separation equipment for this application. Our clean-up product range includes; Electrochemical Treatment Skids, Coalescing Filtration Skids, Mobile Oily Water Separators, Dual Vessel Cartridge Units, Air- and Electrical driven pump Skids and Filter Cartridges.

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