Gas Condensate Mercury Removal

Our Environmental
Gas Condensate Mercury Removal
KD International offers a complete product portfolio for optimizing your Mercury removal from gas condenstate.

Mercury can be present in gas condensate in its metallic form and/or as organometallic compounds. Damage can be caused to industrial plants, particularly petrochemical plants, by the presence of certain mercury species can be financially crippling especially when unscheduled shut-downs are forced.

KD’s filtration services provide the optimum combination of filtration equipment and consumables to maximize your fluid cleanness and removal of Mercury. KD International delivers a complete coalescing, filtration and separation equipment for this application. Our clean-up product range includes; Electrochemical Treatment Skids, Coalescing Filtration Skids, Mobile Oily Water Separators, Dual Vessel Cartridge Units, Air- and Electrical driven pump Skids and Filter Cartridges.

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